Important Information

After School Dismissal Changes:

Please remember it is important the office receives your child's dismissal and attendance updates. If there will be a dismissal change, please fill out the BLUE Dismissal Sheet and send it in with your child. If you need to make an unplanned change, please call the office by 1:00 p.m. so the office can make the necessary adjustments.
Dismissal Slips

Taking a vacation? Please read this section:

If you are taking a vacation, a Pre-Arranged Absence Form is required to be completed for ALL Mentor Public Schools students at least 2 weeks prior to your vacation in order for the absences to be marked excused.
The form is attached and should be submitted to the school in which you are enrolled this year.

Thank you for your cooperation with this matter.
vacation pre-arranged absence form



If your child will be absent please call the attendance line at 440-974-5404 by 9:00 AM

Your child will be marked absent according to the Mentor Board of Education Student Absent and Excused Policy.

To avoid an unexcused absence please include reason for the absence when leaving your message.

The school may request written verification of a student's illness from a licensed physician.
attendance for newsletter

No Electronic Devices:

Please remember that the school is NOT responsible for phones, watches, and other electronic devices that students bring to school that are not supplied by the school. We discourage students from having personal devices at school and on their person during the school day.   We have phones in the office if your child needs to call home for any reason during the school day. If you need your child to have a phone for after school situations, please make sure they leave it with the teacher.  Lockers do not have locks on them.
no cell phone or electronics newsletter

Dress For The Weather:

Please remember to have your child dress appropriately for the weather. We do have outdoor recess when the temperature/weather allows (if the feel like is 20 degrees or warmer). Please send your child with coats, hats, mittens/gloves, boots, etc. for the colder temperatures.
dress for the weather newsletter

Lost and Found:

Please remind your child to check the lost and found that is located outside of the cafeteria for any missing items.
lost and found items newsletter


All students arriving after 8:55 A.M. are considered tardy and MUST be signed in by an adult at door 1.
If your child has a morning appointment, please notify the office by 9:00 A.M.
be on time for school newsletter


Ridge Community Pantry Box:

Ridge PTA has built and installed a Community Pantry Box back in May 2020.
The box is located at Ridge, behind the building near the playground.
If you have groceries or toiletries to donate, please leave them in the pantry box.
If you are in need of groceries or toiletries, please take what you need and leave the rest for another family.
We are grateful for our PTA to provide a service to help others in need.
Ridge Community Pantry Box

2024-2025 School Calendar:

2024 2025 school calendar