Library News

Dear Parent or Guardian,
Rules for checking out books are below:
  • Students in Kindergarten and 1st grade are allowed 1 book at a time
  • Students in grades 2-5 are able to take 2 books out at a time
  • All book are due back the next week of your child's book exchange
  • If the books are 2 weeks overdue, a notice will be sent out with your child
  • A second notice will also be sent home with your child if it has been over a month
  • If the books are still missing or not returned after a month, a 3rd notice will be sent home telling you to remit payment in full through Infinite Campus
  • If book(s) are not returned or the fee paid by the next week's class, the student will not be able to check out any books until it is returned or the fee has been paid
Thank you,
Mrs. Ringler