Childcare Provider Form

Mentor Schools Childcare Provider Form

A Childcare Provider form must be completed each school year if you need your student(s) transported to/from a Board approved daycare for your school.  This also includes students needing to attend a private daycare such as with a relative, neighbor, etc.  We will only transport to/from the individual daycare in your school area and it must be the same for everyday of the week.  
A  list of board-approved daycares and the Childcare Provider form can be accessed by going to our website,; click on About Our District, Transportation Department, then Childcare Provider Information.  This year the form will be available through Infinite campus and will not require you to print and send in a form. We hope this will make the process easier for families. The forms will be available the second week of JuneThe deadline to submit a Childcare Provider form in order to assign your student a bus for the first day of school is July 15, 2023.   All forms submitted after this date may take up to 10 business days after the start of school to assign busing.